When I first started learning JavaScript, I would challenge myself by reading source code I would find at Github from some open-source repo. Other times, I would just view > source a website and look under the hood. This, I thought, would verify that I was indeed understanding the theory and concepts I learned from books. Often, however, these autodidactic activities resulted in my spirits crushed as I encountered code blocks that were too convoluted and elaborate; code that would use all those little building blocks of the language (logical operators, keywords, variable scope, etc) together in order to build a complex architecture I was completely ignorant of and intimidated by. In short, I would just run into code that was well beyond my limited comprehension.
One thing I did notice was that there was a lot of similarities between code blocks. Which meant there was probably a fairly standardized, conventional pattern being used. Lately, I’ve finally got a chance to be introduced to these patterns thanks to my current university class. And so I though’t it’d be beneficial to share some of these pervasive patterns that you’ll likely find at some point in your journey as a JavaScript developer. So without further ado, let’s get to it.